
Frutos do Nagé

100,00 kr.

The album Frutos do Nagé – Fruits of Nagé to download. Listen to samples.

Purchase the album "Fruits of Nagé," which contains 9 main tracks plus one additional track. As a bonus, you'll receive a booklet featuring an extended description of the lyrics and the musician's CV. The bonus package also includes a 16-page photo album. Additionally, you'll get an extra track titled "É Bom" by Jesper Hedegaard, which is not included on the physical album.

Contents of the package 130 MB:
• Album + one
• Extended booklet
• Photo album



    1. Carnaval Fora de Época  – Carnival Out of Season by Dominique. Time 03.54
    2. Cadê a Marreca – Where’s the Duck by Arismar do Espírito Santo. Time 07.13
    3. Time to Change by Jesper Hedegaard. Time 05.20
    4. O Que É o Amor – What is Love by Fred Camacho / Arlindo Cruz / Mauricão. Time 04.09
    5. Pão de Cada Dia – Daily Bread by Jesper Hedegaard. Time 5.25
    6. Lembra de Mim – Remember Me by Ivan Lins / Vitor Martins. Time. 3.28
    7. Samba Dobrado – Double Samba by Djavan Time. 5.08
    8. Tetê by David Feldman Time. 6.33
    9. Frutos do Nagé – Fruits of Nagé by Jesper Hedegaard. Time 4.50
    10. É Bom – It is Good by Jesper Hedegaard. Time 5.51

About the album:

I wrote the samba Fruits of Nagé when I lived on Nagé Street in 1983 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. My composition is a tribute to Samba de Roda (Samba in a Ring), which UNESCO declared part of the world’s intangible cultural heritage in 2005.

It is an approximately 300-year-old tradition where people take turns dancing in the middle of the ring while others sing and clap. In the 80s, it was common to experience Samba de Roda on beaches near my residence on the weekends.

I had a strong connection to the city of Santo Amaro, which is part of the Recôncavo region, the heartland of Samba de Roda, with strong African bonds. Nagé is a clay bowl used to offer food to the saints in the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé.
This album is a long-desired project that finally came through. And I’m happy to count on the participation of three of Brazil’s foremost musicians. Rômulo Duarte on bass, Ale Damasceno on drums, and Dominique on vocals. I am also fortunate to have long-time co-musician Alexander Kraglund on violin, viola, harmonica, and vocals. This is the first recording of Fruits of Nagé.

When I saw the video of Dominique singing on the TV program THE VOICE BRASIL in 2023, where the judge, after her brilliant performance, compared her to Elis Regina, I said to myself - that’s the singer I have been looking for. We are happy to have her composition Carnaval Fora de Época (Carnival Out of Season) on the album.